Diversity & Inclusion

Working intentionally towards creating a truly inclusive environment

Workplace inclusion analysis and employees survey to get a comprehensive diagnostic and actionable insights to drive inclusion, equity, and employee well-being.


Providing consulting support to build a DE&I strategy inclusive of employees’ realities and needs, as well as the organisation’s realistic capabilities.


Historical context of exclusion, inclusive communications, DE&I and well-being: I offer a series of workshops to support your organisation towards tangible inclusive practices & policies.


I host healing spaces dedicated to specific groups i.e. people from marginalized communities, women & non-binary people only, etc.


Beyond being a nice-to-have plan for DE&I practices, it has been researched that companies with more diversity perform better, are more innovative and have higher rates of employee well being. I support organizations in the long-term work towards creating more inclusive environments, normalizing accountability and having a genuine plan to attract, include and nurture diverse talents.
As a DE&I consultant I have created and delivered various actionable consultancy & workshops on intersectional anti-discrimination practices for organisations and companies such as Workday, the Council of Europe, DailyMotion, Dow, Friends of Europe and more.


We had the pleasure of working with Sarah in 2021, when she hosted two sessions as part of our Diversity and Inclusion initiatives at Dow. More than 200 employees participated in each session. Sarah provided facts and statistics about the discriminations experienced by those of African heritage within Europe. She also explained the concept of intersectionality. Both sessions were very eye opening. Her conferences are very informative, but also actionable, as she provides very pragmatic tips on how to be a better ally.                                  It is a real pleasure working with Sarah and we look forward to continuing our collaboration as we continue our journey to anti-racism.

Hélène Dihang

Site Implementation Leader GAAN (Global African Affinity Network), Dow Belgium

Sarah delivered a fantastic series of workshops that provided a great platform for constructive exchanges. Thanks to her I believe everyone felt heard when expressing their experiences and had the chance to learn a lot more about being more inclusive as an organisation.

Alexandra Stefan

Head of Digital Strategy, Development & Performance, Friends of Europe

We worked with Sarah twice on two different DEI workshops in our workshop series: one targeted at our managers and another for our global team. On both occasions, the workshop was very well planned and her level of professionalism was impeccable. Both workshops provided our managers and team members with an interactive and immersive learning experience. Since then, we have been able to set up a framework for developing empathy-building practices to create a more inclusive work culture at Reveal as well as proposed many other DEI programming inspired by these two workshops.

Jason Dean Holness

Senior Talent Acquisition & People Success Manager, Reveal